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Teaching programs

As a basis for the school curriculum and its pedagogical projects, we now present the programs that Up! Kids School – Escuela Infantil® uses for the development of reading and writing and logical and mathematical thinking in both Spanish and English. We also describe the music program. 


Reading and writing in Spanish. This program offers a process for the teaching and learning of reading and writing in which special attention is paid to the development of creativity through manipulative activities, respecting the different ways in which children mature and the diversity in the classroom, so providing a contextualized, manipulative, experience-based approach to reading and writing.


A method designed to teach children and provide them with strategies that enable them to carry out day-to-day tasks competently and skillfully. The aim is for them to be able to analyze and solve mathematical situations within a particular, practical context so that by analyzing this context they can mobilize all their resources to solve the problem successfully.


Reading and writing in English using a synthetic, phonetic approach to teach the children the five skills required for reading and writing: learning the sounds of the letters, learning how to form the letters, “blending”, identifying sounds in words and learning difficult words.


Mindfulness and Socioemotional Learning Programs to enhance attention, concentration, emotional regulation, interpersonal relations and self-esteem among others. All of which is achieved through enhanced awareness of breathing, bodily sensations, the stimuli in our immediate environment and everyday situations.


The Mago Diapasón (Metronome the Magician) is a method for early-years stimulation through music with an innovative and original methodology that has been successfully applied in nursery schools for over 28 years.

The objective is to educate the ears of children from six months to 6-7 years old and enrich their lives, so enhancing the development of all areas: concentration, psychomotor skills, sociability etc. In short, providing them with the tools they need to develop their personalities.

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